Connections with Kel


Mental Health online webinars: 
How Can We Help Our Kids Succeed Through COVID-19 & Other Mental Health Challenges?
February 22 – 26, 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. each day
Click here for more information. 


Quick tips to find healthy coping mechanisms:

When I am having a bad day or feeling down, I usually…...(exercise, journal, listen to music, play with a pet, hang out with friends, watch tv)
How can I adapt my coping mechanisms when at home? 
What are some new, at-home coping mechanisms I can try?

Quick tips for being successful during online learning:

  • Find a space that works for you! This could be the kitchen counter, the basement, or your bedroom (but not in bed). Think through where the most distractions are and find a place that fits your needs away from the distractions.
  • Build a schedule for your day and try to stick with it for your distant learning days. If it isn’t realistic for you to wake up at 8:00 am, that’s okay! Build in breaks, time to get movement in, and dedicated time to work on homework.
  • Leave distractions in another room. This means turning your phone off and putting it in another room for an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon to have no distractions. Turn off the TV and video games too!
  • Write up a to-do list at the beginning of the day to prioritize what you want to get done. As you finish items cross them off so you feel proud of the hard work you have put in.

You don’t have to do all of these tips but try out a few. As you figure out what works for you keep doing it!  

Community in the Schools: Kel O'Leary
 is new to our office as of March 2020 and we aren't quite sure how we functioned with out her! Kel's position is funded through a partnership with the United Way and HHS. She case manages 9th and 10th grade students who struggle academically. She provides individual needs assessments for students, coordinates community resources, and works to promote family engagement. She is our link to the world outside of HHS and we are lucky to have her on our team.

Kel O'Leary - 651-480-748 - [email protected]