Menu Information

  • Menus are posted in the cafeterias as well as the school websites. They are also accessible by downloading the NutriSlice app for your smartphone or tablet device via Google Play or the Apple App Store

  • Menus are analyzed for calories, saturated fat, trans fat, and sodium. See USDA Food and Nutrition Service website for more information about the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act and the lunch and breakfast nutritional regulations set by the USDA.

What Makes a Complete Meal?

  • Hastings Food & Nutrition Services offers five food groups at lunch — bread/grain, meat/protein, fruit, vegetable, milk. A complete meal consists of at least three of these food groups offered. Students have the option to decline up to two food groups offered.

  • One of the food groups chosen must be either a fruit or vegetable.

  • Students do not have to take a milk to have a complete meal.

  • Food & Nutrition Services staff encourage students to take at least three food groups to make a complete, well-balanced meal. If students refuse to take at least three food groups, each food item will be charged a la carte.

Fresh fruits and vegetables - an important part of school lunch!

Fuel up with fruits and veggies and soar through your day like a rocket ship!
Eating fruits and vegetables of every color in the rainbow can help give you the different vitamins and minerals you need to soar through the day*